standardized work

美 [ˈstændərdaɪzd wɜːrk]英 [ˈstændədaɪzd wɜːk]
  • 网络标准工作;标准化工作;标准作业;标准化作业
standardized workstandardized work
  1. Trainee in operator role , operate according to standardized work , and participate in improvement activities .


  2. How to Develop Enterprise 's Standardized Work in Market Economy Condition


  3. Actively Support Lean Manufacturing System / Standardized work .


  4. Experience for Carrying out Quality - standardized Work


  5. ISO9000 Quality Management System , HSE Management System and standardized work are inseparable .


  6. The standardized work of the legislative language always has not attracted enough attention .


  7. Discussion About the Standardized Work of Logistics


  8. On the 21 st century , people began to reflect and question the Standardized Work of Chinese language .


  9. Brief narration to the intrusion detection technique at present and IDS standardized work in the chapter two ;


  10. At Toyota , team leaders and group leaders develop standardized work as a starting point for making improvements .


  11. Author analyzes standardized work of BSR , and provides a suggestion about how to develop standardized work of BSR in our country .


  12. This paper has done some discussions to the electronic bill business and standardized work of the information-based accountant , which helps to expand the application range of China 's information-based accountant practice .


  13. OJT is conducted on the shop floor by observing , trying out , and practicing different work elements of a job , and using standardized work sheets as a guides .


  14. On the " Six Pushes " to promote the standardized management work of archives


  15. The article emphasizes that standardized statistical work is an important basic work of statistics . It is significant of improving the quality of statistical work and giving play to the role of statistical management .


  16. About seven hundred standardized patients work in the area . Pay starts at seventeen dollars an hour . It can go as high as thirty-five dollars an hour depending on the project .


  17. Standardized guidelines , work instructions , proposal evaluation criteria , and performance measurement criteria .


  18. Although there will be exceptions , the API will be standardized and will work across all browsers .


  19. Standardized Construction of the Work of Investigating and Controlling a Criminal Suspect


  20. The Standardized Documents in Archival Work


  21. The system made the college and university administrative management more standardized by improving the work efficiency and promoting the development of colleges and universities .


  22. The goal of OAS is to realize the e-government management , change the traditional manual working way , enhance standards and standardized degree of administrative work and improve work efficiency and service quality .


  23. And through the electronic work order management systems used to make workers more of a single business , the implementation of standardized and effective monitoring work orders , while making a variety of private line service troubleshooting operational processes more fluid and norms .


  24. Promoting standardized production technology ; enhancing the leadership and establishing a standardized work security mechanism .
